Wednesday, August 20, 2008

"The Hair Glagger"

Kid's think of the darndest things. This last week poor Trent hasn't been able to go to the bathroom by himself, sleep by himself or even play by himself because he is afraid of the "Hair Glagger." Reese told him this story of why there are so many bald people in the world. The "Hair Glagger" comes in the night and takes all of your hair and it never grows back again. Trent, who is very fond of his golden, curly, locks is now terrified that the "Hair Glagger" will come and take his hair. I have told him many times that there is no such thing as a "Hair Glagger," but trying to explain the reason for baldness hasn't been working either.

About Me

Noblesville, Indiana, United States
I am happily married with 4 children. My husband is an attorney in Indiana and I stay at home and raise our kidlets.