Monday, October 6, 2008

The Boat Float

So one day during the summer, we had some extra kids at our house and they wanted to do something adventerous. I had alot of extra egg crates.(I save them because I get fresh eggs from a friend) So, we decided to make boats out of them and send them down the creek. It proved to be a great way to get the kids outside and doing something fun and creative. They had a blast letting their boats follow the current and following them down the creek. I still need to check Trevor's scout manual to see if there is anything in there that we could use this for.

Beware of the wasp sting!

Poor Reese! The first week of school he got stung by a wasp on his nose. We all agree that the wasp was overly aggressive. It not only stung him, but it chased him into the house and would have gotten in, but Reese shut the door and the wasp hit it. Well, by the next day, his eye was swollen shut. I couldn't send him to school looking like this, so he had to miss. He has no more interest in wasps and keeps a good distance from them now-if only he would leave the spiders and all other crawling creatures alone!

So I really haven't fallen off of the face of the earth...

Sorry I haven't posted in soooo long. Life has been trucking along and I feel that I am struggling just to keep up. Of course, the kids are back in school and I'm back to taxi duty, and Trent is in pre-school and Ryan is out of town 80% of the time, but I think the real issue here is that we are getting ready to have our 5th child and I have lost not only my appetite but my ability to stay up and do the fun things that I love. The only reason I can write tonight is that I went to bed at 8:30, so here I am wide awake at 3:45 in the morning!!! So yes, I am pregnant and everyone couldn't be happier. It was a bit of a shock at first (especially when I have told the entire world that we were done) Obviously Heavenly Father knows more than we do:) We don't know what we are having yet, but I will definitely post when I do. I am about 11 weeks along and hoping that by my 12th I will gain the ability to hold down food and some energy back that I so crave!(along with pickles-that's a first for me) Well, I will stay up and post as long as I can without getting sick.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

"The Hair Glagger"

Kid's think of the darndest things. This last week poor Trent hasn't been able to go to the bathroom by himself, sleep by himself or even play by himself because he is afraid of the "Hair Glagger." Reese told him this story of why there are so many bald people in the world. The "Hair Glagger" comes in the night and takes all of your hair and it never grows back again. Trent, who is very fond of his golden, curly, locks is now terrified that the "Hair Glagger" will come and take his hair. I have told him many times that there is no such thing as a "Hair Glagger," but trying to explain the reason for baldness hasn't been working either.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Visit to Kansas for Christmas

This is going back a ways, but I want to see if this will post with a picture. For Christmas we went to Kansas to visit my family. It was the first time that we had been together in a long time. We had a great time and on our way home, we visited the T-Rex cafe. It is much like the Rainforest Cafe-it's owned by the same company, but fashioned after the dinosaur era. Trent (my 4 year old was in heaven!) He kept running from one themed room to the next saying "The dinosaurs are moving-they're real!" Needless to say, Kansas City is now one of our favorite destinations to stop because they have the T-Rex Cafe and a Great Wolf Lodge!

My first blog

Ok, so I am totally new to this, but I have had so much fun reading everyone else's blogs that I decided to create my own. After much frustration in trying to figure out how to configure the blog, I think I can at least say I am at the starting point. Can't quite figure out how to add a picture that doesn't take up the whole page, so if anyone has any information to help me out that would be great! Our digital camera is broke, so I might go back a ways in journaling-just so I don't forget everything. Well here it goes...

About Me

Noblesville, Indiana, United States
I am happily married with 4 children. My husband is an attorney in Indiana and I stay at home and raise our kidlets.