Monday, October 6, 2008

Beware of the wasp sting!

Poor Reese! The first week of school he got stung by a wasp on his nose. We all agree that the wasp was overly aggressive. It not only stung him, but it chased him into the house and would have gotten in, but Reese shut the door and the wasp hit it. Well, by the next day, his eye was swollen shut. I couldn't send him to school looking like this, so he had to miss. He has no more interest in wasps and keeps a good distance from them now-if only he would leave the spiders and all other crawling creatures alone!

1 comment:

Kim and company said...

I would definitely be wasp shy after that craziness!

About Me

Noblesville, Indiana, United States
I am happily married with 4 children. My husband is an attorney in Indiana and I stay at home and raise our kidlets.